Top Energy Boosting Foods and Drinks to Keep You Active

Energy Boosting Foods and Drinks to Keep You Active

Office works, household duties, health issues, stress, and a lot more to handle! It is quite natural that you feel tired at some point during the day in your busy life. But, have you ever thought that the type and quantity of foods and drinks you consume plays a crucial role in determining your energy levels?It is true that we all eat to gain energy. Don’t fall in the trap – there are both energy boosting as well as energy draining foods out there.

Read on to find out about the top energy boosting foods.

Energy Boosting Foods and Drinks

Pump up your energy levels with these foods and drinks:

  1. Apple
Apple- Energy Boosting Foods and Drinks to Keep You Active

‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ – it is as true as that. Apples are one of the best energy boosting foods that contain energy-giving calories, carbohydrates, vitamins, iron and minerals. Quercetin, a polyphenol found in apples helps to fight inflammation, boosts your immunity, and keeps you energetic throughout the day. Being a rich source of fibre, apples keep your tummy full and boosts your energy level.

  1. Whole grain
Whole grain-Energy Boosting Foods and Drinks to Keep You Active

Whole grains are high in fibre and can keep your blood sugar level under control. Sources of whole grains include barley, oatmeal, brown rice, and millet. Oatmeal contains beta-glucan that delays the emptying of the stomach as well as the absorption of glucose into your blood. It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals that helps in the production of energy. It doesn’t matter which whole grain you go for, the fibres, complex carbohydrates, iron, and B vitamins are all enough to keep you energized till your next meal.

  1. Egg
egg-Energy Boosting Foods and Drinks to Keep You Active

Packed with protein, eggs are one of the best energy boosting foods that help to fuel your day. Apart from proteins, eggs also contain essential nutrients such as folate, riboflavin, vitamin B, and thiamine, all of which are key components that help in converting food into sustained energy. Additionally, leucine, the amino acid present in eggs, takes in more blood sugar and increases the breakdown of fats to produce more energy.

  1. Banana
banana- Energy Boosting Foods and Drinks to Keep You Active

Being an excellent source of vitamin B6, potassium, and complex carbs, bananas are easily digested and can help boost energy levels. This cost-effective energy source also contains plenty of fibres, and therefore bananas can be considered as an effective foods that will instantly boost your metabolism

Foods that will Instantly Boost Your Metabolism
  1. Kale

Kale is a leafy vegetable rich in powerful nutrients that promote energy and aid weight loss. It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, calcium, vitamin K, vitamin B, vitamin C, and potassium. The amino acid L-tyrosine present in Kale can give you a mental lift and also, the antioxidants and fibres help to keep your blood sugar stable. 

  1. Beans
beans-Energy Boosting Foods and Drinks to Keep You Active

Being a rich source of proteins, fibres, and carbs, beans are one of the best energy boosting foods. This also helps in stabilizing the blood sugar level and the edge off hunger. Black beans and black-eyed peas are excellent sources of magnesium, iron, and folic acid, which are involved in the production of energy.

  1. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes-Energy Boosting Foods and Drinks to Keep You Active

Sweet potatoes can keep your stomach full for longer and curb hunger pangs. Rich in fibre, they are one of the best foods high in energy and help you get rid of the extra fats from your body. Sweet potatoes are also an excellent source of energy nutrients such as beta carotene, magnesium, iron, and vitamin C.

Foods and Drinks You Must Avoid if You are a Diabetic Patient
  1. Water
water- Stay hydrated

Drinking water and staying hydrated is the most easiest and natural way of staying energetic. If you don’t drink an adequate amount of water, you get dehydrated, and this lowers your energy level. Dehydration affects your overall mood negatively and also slows down your metabolism. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day is one of the best ways to increase your energy levels.

  1. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolates bring up your energy like nothing else! It contains theobromine and caffeine, both of which works well in boosting your energy levels. Apart from this, dark chocolate has many other health benefits such as improving digestion, heart health, and also protects your skin. A plant chemical present in dark chocolate known as epicatechin provides your body with energy by widening your blood vessels. 

  1. Spinach
spinach- Energy Boosting Foods and Drinks to Keep You Active

This leafy vegetable is one of the best energy boosting foods for your day to day chores. It is an excellent source of iron, folate, and magnesium – the key components of energy production in your body. Instead of filling yourself up with energy drinks, think of chewing some spinach.

  1. Nuts
nuts - Energy Boosting Foods and Drinks to Keep You Active

Try popping a handful of nuts to boost your energy. Nuts, especially almonds and walnuts, are a good source of carbs, healthy fats, and proteins. Soaking nuts overnight in the water and eating them in the morning increases its nutrient value and helps in easy digestion.

  1. Green tea
Green tea- Energy Boosting Foods and Drinks to Keep You Active

Cut back highly caffeinated drinks such as coffee and go for green tea. Even though green tea contains a slight amount of caffeine, it activates and boosts your energy level to get through the day. Apart from boosting your energy, green tea is known for its myriad health benefits. It prevents type 2 diabetes, improves brain function, burns fat, lowers the risk of cancer, and even reduces bad breath – unbelievable right!

Before taking any of these foods, it is always recommended to seek the suggestions from an experienced doctor. You can also consult a doctor online

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Foods that Drain Your Energy

Given below are a list of foods that can drain your energy:

  • Alcohol
  • Fast foods
  • White bread
  • Yoghurt
  • Energy drinks
  • Low-calorie foods

Read More About Foods that Drain Your Energy in you.

Now that you know about the foods and drinks that boosts and drains your energy, think twice before you choose what to eat. 


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