7 Yoga Postures For Kids and Its Methods

7 Yoga Postures For Kids And Its Methods


Kids these days spend most of their time doing homework and school-related activities. There is little to no free time for them to play. They face distraction, overstimulation, academic and peer pressure too early in life. In this young age, they are plagued by their own fears and insecurities. Introducing yoga to your children at an early age helps them learn healthy lifestyle habits and deal with their pressure-cooked environment. In fact, it helps them set the foundation for an equitable future. 

For kids who don’t really enjoy outdoor sports, yoga asanas help them by providing a much-needed physical outlet in a non-competitive environment. And, when they reach their teenage years, yoga helps them deal with their changing bodies and give them ways to combat stress in social as well as academic situations. 

Benefits of Yoga for Kids

Here are some of the benefits of yoga asanas for kids.

  • Refines balance and coordination 
  • Develops focus and concentration 
  • Boosts self-esteem and confidence 
  • Strengthens the mind-body connection 
  • Enhances physical flexibility 

7 Easy and Effective Yoga Asanas for Kids

Yoga postures for kids are somewhat like that of adults, but more entertaining and fun. In the beginning, as a parent, your aim should be to introduce them to mild yogic poses. The focus should be given to creativity rather than mastering it perfectly. Once you see progress in the way your child does yogic asanas, slowly begin the breathing and meditation exercises. To get started, given below are seven simple yoga for kids.

1. Aeroplane Pose – Dekasana

Aeroplane Pose - Dekasana

This is a super-challenging pose that keep kids engaged and entertained. In this asana, they learn to use all the muscles in their body to steady their aeroplane.


To begin, inhale and stand straight. Then, place the right foot ahead. Both knees must be kept straight and locked. After that, tilt the body a little forward. To maintain balance, lift your arms upward on either side. Make sure to keep your body posture like a flying aeroplane. Remain in this posture for a few seconds. Then place your arms down and straight. Relax. 

2. Mountain Pose- Tadasana

Mountain Pose- Tadasana

Tadasana is a very simple yoga posture that can be considered as a good starting point for advanced asanas. This asana will strengthen your kid’s muscles and legs. It will also improve their posture.


Firstly, stand straight and keep your feet apart. Then, take a deep breath keeping your spinal cord straight. Breathe in and raise your arms upwards interlocking fingers. After that, raise your heels and stand on your toes. At this point, you should be able to feel the stretch in your body from feet to the fingers of your hands. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Breathe out and come back to your initial position. Repeat the cycle ten times. 

3. Tree Pose- Vrikshasana

Vrikshasana aims to bring out the inner strength and focus of the kids. 


First, stand straight with two inches feet apart. Maintain balance by focusing on a distant object. Slightly bend your right knee. Place the right foot on your left thigh. Make sure to keep the sole firm and flat on the roof of your thigh.  Inhale and slowly raise your arms above your head, and bring them in the ‘namaste mudra’. Continue deep breathing by pulling in your stomach muscles and expanding your spine upwards with every exhalation. Make sure not to lose balance. Slowly exhaling, bring your hands down and then your right foot to rest. Relax. Continue this with the opposite foot. 

4. Butterfly Pose- Baddha Konasana

The movement of legs during Baddha Konasana gives you the appearance of a butterfly flapping its wings. This pose renders an excellent stretch for the groin and inner thighs and can be considered as one of the best yoga for kids.


Sit down on a yoga mat and straighten your spine. Keep your legs straight and then bend both knees to form a butterfly pose. Bring your feet closer to the pelvis. Hold your feet tightly with your hands. Make sure to keep your hands below your feet for support. After that, make a gentle effort to bring your heels a bit closer to the genitals. Breathe normally and then start flapping both your legs up and down like the wings of a butterfly. Stay in this pose for at least 30 seconds

5. Downward  Dog Pose- Adho Mukha Svanasana

The Downward Dog pose involves balancing the weight on your legs and hand in an inverted ‘V’ position. It offers the ultimate over-all rejuvenating stretch.


First, stand on four limbs in such a way that your body forms a table-like structure. After that, exhale and gently lift your hips, straighten your elbows along with knees. Make sure that your body forms an inverted ‘V’ position. The hands should be in the same line as of your shoulders, and your feet should be in line with the hips. Make sure that your toe is pointed outwards. Press your hands into the ground and then stretch your neck. Now, make sure that your ears touch your inner arms. Turn your gaze towards the navel. Be in the same position for a few seconds, bend your knees, and come back to the initial position. Relax.

6. Garland Pose- Malasana

Malasana or Garland Pose is a mild hip opener that stimulates your metabolism while stretching your groin and hips.


Start with standing on your feet. Bend your knees and then lower your torso down between them. Keep your hands in the ‘namaste mudra’ and use the elbows to press your knees gently. Take deep breaths. Try to bring the hands to the heart centre keeping your forearms parallel to the floor. Allow the pressure of the elbows to open your knees slightly. Relax.

Yoga for anxiety

Parenting Tips

Practising yoga can make your kids more active and powerful. Before introducing yoga poses to your kids, show them picture or videos to enhance their interest. 

  • Plan a special time for your child to practice yoga.
  • Make the session as enjoyable as you can. Buy colourful yoga mats, easy and comfortable yoga outfits, or anything that comes to your mind to make it interesting
  • Make your child practise barefoot.
  • Play soothing music to bring them in a relaxed state of mind.
  • Show them how to do the pose and try doing it along with them.
  • Never push your kids to do too much; let them do as much as they can.

Yoga is all about progress. It is about getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. Take your kid, grab a trendy mat, and start doing yoga!

It is always preferable to ask a doctor whether or not your child should practice yoga.

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